Our first early girl tomato! I picked this after it got pretty red on the vine on July 30th, which was 66 days after transplanting (on May 25th). Also featured are some red cherry tomatoes and some sungolds, both of which we've been getting since July 19th or 20th. Our second early girl will be ready today or tomorrow.
Here's how all our garden plants are faring (this is more an inventory for me than anything else):
Early Girl (from local nursery): healthy
Mountain Fresh: (nursery): healthy and prolific
Sungold: (heirloom from farmer's market): a little scrawny and sparse, but tall with a fair amount of fruit
Green Zebra: (farmer's market heirloom): beautifully healthy and bushy, lots of flowers but no fruit....I'll be very bummed if this one doesn't pan out.
Better Boy (nursery) and Striped German (farmer's market): These are both in a location that turned out to be too shady. They are small (but healthy), with only a few fruits.
Cherry Tomato (in pot): Initially the best plant (got HOT in the full sun on our patio), it got attacked by aphids and it is now a sad, spindly plant.
And the 2 surprises: a plant that got crushed by a lattice that I threw in the flower garden, and is overcrowded but healthy and producing some fruit, and an insanely healthy volunteer cherry tomato plant that is growing like wild out of our compost bin.
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